NYT: Hicks need not apply ~ The Busted Lollipop

Thursday, October 23, 2008

NYT: Hicks need not apply

In its ad for a stringer in Atlanta, The New York Times clearly thinks everyone in the South fixates on "dog fights, cock fights, or the Confederate flag." That's not true. They also like Nascar and Wal-Marting.

But seriously, I spent a large portion of my life in the deep South, and I'm a bit offended the Times thinks those "issues" will be so prominent among possible correspondents that it warns them away in the job ad. Maybe it gets tons of such story pitches and that's why the footnote was included. Or maybe some smug A-hole who assumes all Southerners are hicks thought it best to head the tobaccy-chawing inbreds off at the pass. The Times is a good newspaper in general, but in this case, the NYT can suck it. Thanks for the tip off, Katie and Newscoma.

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