Congrats Russell Brand & Ricky Gervais ~ The Busted Lollipop

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Congrats Russell Brand & Ricky Gervais

Russell Brand got the award for best live stand-up act at the British Comedy Awards. Granted, the competition isn't exactly stiff for the most part in the UK (they have only a few really good stand-ups that are the cherries atop a dunghill of crap comics), but recognition must be sweet. Just not so sweet that he actually showed up to get the award - he accepted via video.

As did Ricky Gervais, who was the pick for best television comedy actor. He joked in his filmed speech: "I can't be bothered to be there in person. This is beneath me to be honest: I've won real awards, Golden Globes and Emmys." Funny, but maybe a hint of truth in there, as I think people would make a bit more effort to be on hand to scoop up an Oscar. At least he put some real effort into the video - it's mucho funny and includes a guest appearance by George Michael in bed with Gervais.

Congrats, guys, and keep on rocking the UK comedy world!

Just an aside, the actor Brand made rather rude phonecalls to recently on his BBC radio show (which led to his resignation from the program), is pissed that Brand got the award.

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