OMG, is that SJP dancing dirty in Catholic school??!! ~ The Busted Lollipop

Thursday, January 22, 2009

OMG, is that SJP dancing dirty in Catholic school??!!

While killing time on Photoshop Disasters, I found an entry about a badly done dvd cover that alerted me to an early Sarah Jessica Parker flick I'd never heard of -- probably with good reason based on the imdb rating of 5.4 (ouch!).

As you can see from the cover, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" featured a very young SJP (she would've been around 19 or 20 but looked much younger), Helen Hunt and Shannon Doherty. Apparently the film features lots of boy troubles, dancing, and a nun on a pummel horse. Good times.

This looks kinda like Dirty Dancing set in a Catholic girls' school in the '80s. I can't make up my mind whether it looks bad in a fun way, or bad in a "please make it stop" way. You decide -- here's the trailer.

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