Something sinister about Everybody Loves Raymond ~ The Busted Lollipop

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Something sinister about Everybody Loves Raymond

I never kept up with Everybody Loves Raymond when it first aired. Now I catch an episode here and there in reruns, and I have to wonder: Were they drugging those kids? Seriously, if that were a real family and you went to their house, you'd be concerned about those kids. The tikes are rarely around, are often left unsupervised, and stay in their rooms playing quietly (one presumes, as the alternate prospect of them being tied in the closet is just too hard to accept of the seemingly sweet mom, Debra).

What's more, they eat quietly, don't jabber and yammer with loads of questions or otherwise prevent adults from holding a conversation, don't spill much (and it's never a big mess when they do), don't fight with each other, and quietly go off to their rooms with a nod the first time they're told to. Debra's gotta be dosing those kids with cough syrup or something. I'm still waiting for the episode where social services gets involved, 'cause something ain't right up in that house.

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