Vote, or celebrities will kill you ~ The Busted Lollipop

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vote, or celebrities will kill you

You may have seen that hip clip that's supposed to make people get out and vote because celebrities told them to. It actually does highlight the issues you may want to address with your vote (though does your vote really address any issues if candidates don't do what they say they will?), but you do start to feel a little condescended to. Nevertheless, the clip is peppered with bits of humor and is worth watching for that alone. But get comfy, 'cause it runs about twice as long as it should. Right around halfway through the nearly five-minute clip, when it starts to get extra pushy, that's when they should've called it quits for sure. I went from feeling a sense of the importance of voting at the beginning, to feeling these famous know-it-alls should f*** off and quit trying to bully me at the end.

I guess I wasn't the only one feeling a bit irked, because as always, some guys on YouTube have an answer to the celeb clip. They don't seem to want to vote just because Rachel and Monica from Friends want them to, the cheeky beggars. And like the original it parodies, it runs twice as long as it should. I thought it was great for the first half, then got bored and wandered off.

But only you can decide what to think about these clips. Don't let me take the decision out of your hands by failing to turn up at the polls, er, I mean the YouTube site, to let your voice be heard. You know, in the comments section under the vids? That's a great way to speak out, and you don't have to stand in any lines on a friggin' cold November day, either. I'm just saying.

Seriously, voting is an honor and a privilege; many people have fought, suffered and even died for that right. Which does add weight to the act of voting, but let's not act like people who don't vote are to blame for all the world's ills and probably kick puppies, too. Do what you feel, go with your heart, and don't take any crap from those loudmouths who say you don't have a right to complain if you didn't vote. 'Cause I'll tell ya right now, you always have a right to complain. And the right to tell them, in the immortal words of Kathy Griffin, that they "can all suck it!".

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